04 August 2010

Travelin'to Krakow

So it is time to use my seven miles boots again :) Destination Krakow, Poland.

Eurovia, Bratislava, Slovakia

Without car, you can use direct train from Zilina or bus from Poprad to Zakopane and then from Zakopane to Krakow. 
Of course I used to use buses. They are operated by Strama company, 4x daily. From Zakopane there is bus to Krakow every 10 mins, usually it cost up to 20zł.
 Yesterday, coming back from Vienna I spend good time with one of my old friend in Bratislava. We even played chess together, it was ages when we did it before.
From my point, Bratislava is good city if you are financial shark or developer, but other hands it´s not my favourite. City lost souls some years ago, right now is just bunch of glasscrete.

Even if some parts of city are beautiful, the whole overview is different. Well we´ll see what happened with city development in next 5 or 10 years, but I don´t expect big changes. Even change of colour of some buildings could make it more interesting than current state of art.

The same is with culture in the city. Imagine that you make some art, but if there is developer found, place for it will be destroyed.  But to be honest it´s not happening just in Bratislava, it´s everywhere where city council or mayor can´t stand financial pressure from developers.

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