07 August 2010

North by Northeast

So we went to Mazury through Absurdistan called Poland.
Imagine country where trains at the beginning of last century were faster than now.
It's something beyond my understanding. We left Krakow by train at 9:13,

We stay in city for 3 hours and then we eat mastodont pizza muhehe :P After pizza we acid it and jumped to train B, who was who? which just arrived from Krakow at 3pm?! wtf??? muhehe :P we are still in train who from time toi toi time stop for no reason at all!!! wtf??? :P muhehe
Hey man don't do it! Our brains are boiled inside our heads. Good thing muhehe that they are still inside. Yes, they are! muhehe We are almost in Olsztyn (wtf means that name?) wtf??? muhehe ja jeste m wulf]\garnyt  muhehe
It's almost midnight and we are still in the same train, or it's just our imagination of Absurdistan? You never know. muhehe :P We just passed through some nice train station (we are in train for those who don't know it or who don't remember it). Hell damn warm. Now I fully understand what global warming means for us. :P Oi preffer gramma erroe\rs :P muhehe.
They are people who are trying to eat me and bite me. Like Baś. Help me get out of clothes!!!! :P muhehe
The people in our compartment are weird, there is also some weird singing child, even with weird family. I thought they are all from Absurdistan. Weird!?!. !@##$%^^&(( :P wtf? muhehe
wtf wtf wtf wtf! :)

Some clouds in the air, someone even knocked up. Baś is(are) (sometimes i feels like there is one thousand of her biting me )still biting me. O man, I'm hungry, we are hungry and that fuckin train is still ongoing to nowhere land. It's hard, i'm writing these last letters to anyone who will found it. We will survive, but nooo She is trying to eat my brain, man heeeeelp me

Explanation: I was writing these words in train from Krakow to Olzstyn. It was really hot inside. We were traveling by one particular train for ~13 hours.  I was unconsciousness at that time...

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